We’ve scoured Omaha for the best Wedding Cake Bakeries and narrowed it to 7 professionals.
Xotly is a business directory service that provides information on local businesses like Wedding Cake Bakeries. We know how hard it is to find someone who can understand your needs and wants, so we’ve created this site to connect people with Wedding Cake Bakeries nearby.
The following is a list of professional Omaha Wedding Cake Bakeries. These businesses have been vetted based on feedback and research from our experts.
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Top Rated Wedding Cake Bakeries in Omaha

Cake Expressions, Inc.
Wedding CakesCake Expressions is a family-owned bakery in Bellevue that specializes in customized wedding cakes for each client. They have an extensive list of flavors, including blueberry red velvet cheesecake with cream cheese frosting.
Address: Bellevue, NE 68005

Cupcake Island
Wedding CakesCupcake Island is the perfect place to get your wedding cake. They have been creating cakes in Omaha for over ten years and offer a wide range of options, from cupcakes to magnificent three-tiered cakes with intricate designs on them.
Address: Omaha, NE 68144

Gerda’s German Restaurant and Bakery
Wedding CakesGerda’s German Bakery and Restaurant not only specializes in wedding cakes but also provides catering services for any event. The company has been creating delicious products to please the taste buds of residents for 40 years.
Address: Omaha, NE 68106

Leslie Elizabeth Creative Innovations
Wedding CakesIf you’re looking for a way to make your big day even more special, look no further than the professionals at Leslie Elizabeth Creative Innovations. This innovative company provides wedding cake services in Omaha and Beyond.
Address: Omaha, NE 68116

Sweet Cakes & Roses
Wedding CakesSweet Cakes & Roses will design a cake per your vision to match both your wedding day theme and budget. Choose from flavors such as amaretto, pineapple, or caramel truffle.
Address: Omaha, NE 68144

The Cake Specialist
Wedding CakesThe Cake Specialist has been in business for 30 years, specializing exclusively in wedding cakes. Their staff is well-trained and certified to make sure every cake they create will be top-notch while also being affordable.
Address: Bellevue, NE 68005
Best Wedding Cake Bakeries Near You
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We know how difficult it can be to decide on the right Wedding Cake Bakery. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back. If you leave a comment below, one of our experts or even any Wedding Cake Bakery from the list will get back within 24 hours.
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