Wedding Cake Bakeries in Louisville, Kentucky

We scoured Louisville for the best Wedding Cake Bakeries and picked 8 services for you to choose from. connects people with the best professionals in their area. We know how frustrating it can be when you need a Wedding Cake Bakery but don’t find them anywhere. That’s why our website has been created.

The following is a list of Louisville Wedding Cake Bakeries based on reviews from experts and customers.

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Top rated Wedding Cake Bakeries in Louisville, Kentucky
Connecting People with the Best

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Top Rated Wedding Cake Bakeries in Louisville

Cake Flour

Wedding Cakes

Cake Flour is a bakery that specializes in making deliciously unique baked goods using natural ingredients. The company offers an extensive selection of pies, cookies, and cakes with delicious gluten-free, nut-free vegan options.

Address: Louisville, KY 40222

Designer Cakes by Angela

Wedding Cakes

Designer Cakes by Angela is a company that offers homemade custom wedding and event cakes, with the cake artist creating only one per week to ensure high-quality service for each customer.

Address: Louisville, KY 40291

Lady A Cakes

Wedding Cakes

Lady A Cakes is the place for all your cake needs. The experienced artists specialize in making one-of-kind cakes that will amaze guests of any age. You can also choose from an array of flavors and fillings.

Address: Louisville, KY 40201

Mert’s Cakes

Wedding Cakes

Mert’s Cakes provides top-quality wedding cakes for any occasion. Specializing in creating beautiful and flavorful edible masterpieces, their skilled staff is happy to help you find just the right flavor combination that will be sure your guests can’t resist.

Address: Louisville, KY 40243

Nord’s Bakery

Wedding Cakes

With a name like Nord’s Bakery, it is clear that this company values quality over quantity. Known for creating the best donuts in Louisville, they do so in a warm, welcoming atmosphere.

Address: Louisville, KY 40217

Sweet Surrender Dessert Café is an innovative bakery that provides custom cakes for any taste. For more than 25 years, they have focused on creating award-winning wedding desserts with personalized attention and quality ingredients.

Address: Louisville, KY 40206

Sweets by Millie

Wedding Cakes

Sweets by Millie is the only Louisville cake company that provides gourmet wedding and event cakes, custom-designed to suit every customer’s tastes. The baker uses top-quality ingredients for its amazing creations.

Address: Louisville, KY 40202

Best Wedding Cake Bakeries Near You

Top rated Wedding Cake Bakeries in Louisville, Kentucky
Connecting People with the Best
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We know how difficult it can be to decide on a Wedding Cake Bakery. That is why we offer a wide range of services to choose from. Leave us feedback below if there’s anything else our team can do for you, and they may get back with all information needed within 24 hours.

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