Speech Therapists in Anchorage, Alaska

We’ve scoured Anchorage for the best Speech Therapists and narrowed it to 9 professionals.

Xotly is a business directory service that provides information on local businesses like Speech Therapists. We know how hard it is to find someone who can understand your needs and wants, so we’ve created this site to connect people with Speech Therapists nearby.

The following is a list of professional Anchorage Speech Therapists. These businesses have been vetted based on feedback and research from our experts.

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Top rated Speech Therapists in Anchorage, Alaska
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Top Rated Speech Therapists in Anchorage

Ability Group

Speech Therapists

Ability Group is a pediatric therapy clinic that has been serving Anchorage for over 20 years.

Address: Anchorage, AK 99508

Abisror Speech Center

Speech Therapists

Abisror Speech Center is a speech-language therapy provider serving the Anchorage area.

Address: Anchorage, AK 99508

Abracadabra Speech LLC

Speech Therapists

Abracadabra Speech, LLC is an Anchorage-based company owned and managed by a speech pathologist that provides virtual (online) speech and language therapy throughout Alaska.

Address: Anchorage, AK

All For Kids Pediatric Therapy Clinic provides speech, occupational, and physical therapy services for children in the Anchorage area.

Address: Anchorage, AK 99518

Capable Kids

Speech Therapists

Capable Kids is a pediatric speech and language therapy provider that has been serving Anchorage for over a decade.

Address: Anchorage, AK 99503

Integrative Physical Therapy and Spine Treatment Center is an outpatient therapy clinic that serves the Anchorage area.

Address: Anchorage, AK 99508

Polar Speech

Speech Therapists

Polar Speech delivers pediatric speech and language therapy services to toddlers and teens in Anchorage.

Address: Anchorage, AK 99508

Reading Write Alaska, Inc.

Speech Therapists

Founded in 2011, Reading Write Alaska Inc. diagnoses and treats language, speech, and learning issues throughout the Anchorage area.

Address: 12580 Old Seward HwyAnchorage, AK 99515

Talking with Ty Speech Therapy

Speech Therapists

Talking with Ty Speech Therapy is a clinic in Midtown Anchorage.

Address: Anchorage, AK 99507

Best Speech Therapists Near You

Top rated Speech Therapists in Anchorage, Alaska
Connecting People with the Best
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We know how difficult it can be to decide on the right Speech Therapist. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back. If you leave a comment below, one of our experts or even any Speech Therapist from the list will get back within 24 hours.

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Xotly.com features only objectively quantified and qualified professionals hand-picked by our selection process.
