We’ve scoured Providence for the best Dance Class Studios and narrowed it to 18 professionals.
Xotly is a business directory service that provides information on local businesses like Dance Class Studios. We know how hard it is to find someone who can understand your needs and wants, so we’ve created this site to connect people with Dance Class Studios nearby.
The following is a list of professional Providence Dance Class Studios. These businesses have been vetted based on feedback and research from our experts.
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Top Rated Dance Class Studios in Providence

Cheryl’s School of Dance
Dance ClassesCheryl’s School of Dance in North Providence, Rhode Island offers over 65 dance classes a week. CSD is an accepting and fun-loving community that encourages dancers to develop self-esteem while learning life skills through a positive environment with excellent programs for all ages such as jazz, ballet, acrobatics, tap, hip hop, lyrical and modern dances.
Address: North Providence, RI 02904

Dance Inspirations LLC
Dance ClassesDance Inspirations LLC is a studio where you can find your inner dancer again. Whether it’s tap, jazz, or ballet that speaks to the heart – they have instructors who will help unleash creativity in all types of dancers with their many different styles.
Address: Burrillville, RI 02830

Dance Nelia Ballroom & Latin Dancing
Dance ClassesDance Nelia Ballroom & Latin dancing serves the people of Barrington, Rhode Island along with its surrounding communities. The studio offers private lessons as well as group classes for all levels including dance lessons for brides and grooms on their wedding day. Students can also participate in their Latin Motion class where they teach the basics of Latin dance styles.
Address: Barrington, RI 02806

Dancin’ Spirit Performing Arts
Dance ClassesIf you’re looking for a dance studio in Pawtucket, Rhode Island that offers both traditional and modern styles of dancing as well as various other types like tap or ballet, then look no further than Dancin’ Spirit Performing Arts. They have two locations – one where they teach people how to do formal exercises such as jazz routines with partners while another specializes more in teaching “street” moves from around the world using hip-hop music.
Address: Pawtucket, RI 02860

Jean DeLuca Dance Studio
Dance ClassesJean DeLuca Dance Studio is an award-winning dance school in Johnston, Rhode Island that offers classes for all ages and abilities. Students can choose from a variety of genres including jazz, hip-hop, ballet, tap, musical theater, and competition dancing. With over 60 years of experience teaching beginners as well as professionals, they know how to make sure your training sessions will be fun while also learning something new every time you come into class.
Address: Johnston, RI 02919

JJ Latin Dancers
Dance ClassesThe JJ Latin Dancers is a dance company in Pawtucket, Rhode Island that invites interested people to learn Salsa and Bachata. The different classes start from basic beginner to intermediate levels with more advanced options available for those who want them. You can also enjoy practice parties or socials where you get feedback on your skills while having fun together with other dancers in this amazing studio space.
Address: Pawtucket, RI 02860

Judi T. Dance Studio
Dance ClassesAt Judi T. Dance Studio in Warwick, Rhode Island, you can find a variety of classes to suit your needs. From ballet, jazz, tap, Hawaiian/Polynesian, acrobats, hip-hop, lyrical, ballroom, hulacise, and more dance lessons. The teachers at this place are dedicated to teaching their students about the arts while building up self-esteem on stage or behind it by providing personalized attention they need from beginner levels up through professional training programs.
Address: Warwick, RI 02893

Just Dance!
Dance ClassesJust Dance! is the place to be if you want your heart rate up and feet tapping. The studio has been catering dance moves for people of all ages since 2010, with plenty more fun in store thanks to Sherry Winn as director-in-charge. Here you’ll find classes that teach ballet, tap, pointe, jazz, hip hop, and acrobatics. There are also events geared toward those who love competing or just looking competitively good at what they do best.
Address: Warren, RI 02885

Mambo Pa Ti Dance Company
Dance ClassesThe Mambo Pa Ti Dance Company is the premier Latin dance school in Rhode Island. They offer classes in Latin dance such as salsa and bachata. Whether you’re looking for workouts to tone your body or just want some good times with friends, this studio has what it takes. Students of all ages are welcome and will learn how easy it is to make moves that feel authentic without being too difficult on them.
Address: Pawtucket, RI 02860

Modern Jazz Dance Company
Dance ClassesModern Jazz Dance Company offers an engaging, creative environment for both kids and adults to learn and have fun with dance. The studio is located in the heart of downtown Providence. They offer a wide range of styles and fitness workouts, so whether your goal is just fun or good health – they’ve got something for everyone.
Address: Providence, RI 02909

Napua O’ Polynesia Dance Troupe
Dance ClassesWhat better way to celebrate your event than with a group that will take everyone on an exciting journey through Polynesian culture? Napua O’Polynesia Dance troupe is perfect for any occasion. Whether they’re playing their drums or dancing across the stage in front of cheering crowds- these performers bring joyous performances from all over this beautiful region.
Address: Providence, RI 02906

Stage Door Dance, Inc.
Dance ClassesStage Door Dance is an exceptional dance studio with locations in the city of Portsmouth, Rhode Island, and nearby areas. They offer classes for all ages and abilities including ballet, tap, acro, jazz, hip-hop, tumbling as well as pilates mat and reformer (for adults) to help students reach their full potential.
Address: Portsmouth, RI 02871

Studio One RI
Dance ClassesStudio One RI is a studio where students can learn various styles of dance from all over the world including the first dance of husbands and wives on their wedding days. On any given weekday, you’ll find locals practicing tango or salsa, while on Saturdays they’re taking part in country and swing dance parties.
Address: Lincoln, RI 02865

The Dancing Feeling
Dance ClassesThe Dancing Feeling is a well-known dance studio in Warwick, Rhode Island. They have been teaching people from all around the world dance styles like American style, country, international style, club-style dance, and more since 1985. A creative team full of passion and expertise teaches both children as well adults alike so there’s something perfect no matter what your age may be.
Address: Warwick, RI 02886

The Jennifer Prete School of Dance
Dance ClassesJennifer Prete School of Dance offers classes in various dance styles such as tap, jazz, pointe, ballet, hip-hop, lyrical, contemporary, and musical theater. The highly qualified instructors are taught to accommodate students at all skill levels with compassionate positive instruction that emphasizes body movement for ease or self-expression through choreography designed by professional artists.
Address: North Kingstown, RI 02879

The Talent Factory, LLC
Dance ClassesThe Talent Factory, LLC is a center for the performing arts that offers classes for ages 3-18. They have professional instructors who provide high-quality training in an environment where students can learn at their own level. Teachers focus on each individual’s progress rather than having several beginners together as well as older ones learning new material simultaneously (which would be overwhelming).
Address: North Kingstown, RI 02852

To The Pointe Of Performing Arts
Dance ClassesTo the Pointe of Performing Arts is a dance studio with three locations in Cranston (401-942 55 54), Smithfield (401-354-0054) & Coventry (401-385-9500) that offers classes for all ages. Students can learn various styles and arts from our instructors who are dedicated to enhancing creativity, self-esteem as well fitness.
Address: Smithfield, RI 02917

Dance ClassesTwirlTheGirl is an award-winning dance center that offers private lessons, group classes, and social dancing for all types of dances including salsa, west coast swing, ballroom, country, waltz, east coast swing, and foxtrot. They have instructors who are professional champions with years of experience ensuring expert instruction and fun-filled education.
Address: North Providence, RI 02904
Best Dance Class Studios Near You
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