Colorado is famous for its Rocky Mountains, covering most of its land area and giving it the highest average elevation of all the U.S. states. (Pike’s Peak is the state’s largest mountain.) Interestingly, the state was procured by the United States in three separate stages. Its eastern part was acquired through the Louisiana Purchase.
The state’s center was obtained through Texas’ union with the U.S., and the west of the region was attained during the Mexican War. The state’s initial settlement saw mining and agriculture as its primary source of income. Modern-day Colorado’s economy is based on service industries and manufacturing. Thanks to the Rockies, the state also profits from ski-based tourism and travelers coming to be wowed by the outstanding natural beauty. Recreational marijuana is also legal in Colorado, encouraging weed-based tourism also. This boom in the cannabis industry, along with its traditional tourism, tech-based industry, and moderate tax policies, make Colorado an ideal place to start a small business.