We contacted 9 Tattoo Shops in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and hand-picked the best for you to choose from
The Email
The following email is sent to all tattoo shops in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The responses to this email will be shown in the “Email Response” section of each shop.
Read the Email
I am interested in getting a single-line tattoo on my leg. Something like the cat here: https://img1.rapidleaks.com/2019/05/best-single-line-tattoos-1280×720.jpg
So my question is:
Do you guys specialize in these kind of tattoos?
And how much does it cost to get a tattoo like that?
Size – 3×3 inches
Is it possible to get colors in the tattoo, like in the example?
Happy to hear back from you guys,
I also have some other questions, so feel free to answer those:
1. What ingredients in the ink you’d use for the colors in the tattoo?
2. Does color ink causes an itchy rash? I have kinda sensitive skin.
3. Can you perform a patch test?
4. Are you a licensed tattoo artist?
5. In case you did some single-line tattoos, can you share some examples?
Black Torch Tattoo
Score: B+ |
Black Torch Tattoo has been recognized as one of the best tattoo shops in Baton Rouge, and have an award to prove it. Their talented staff specializes in designing custom tattoos for every client with care and precision that will last forever! Their clean environment provides you with privacy as well, so that your skin can relax during the process of getting tatted or making new piercings. Walk-ins are welcome, but if you want to see a specific artist, call ahead so they can prepare accordingly.
Website Address (225) 663-2757
Body Images Tattoo Clinic
Score: B |
The Tattoo Clinic is a studio that’s dedicated to the art of tattooing and piercings. With over 25 years of experience under his belt, Kevin Cronin can ink you up or pierce your ear with confidence, in a safe environment. Working alongside him are other professionals who share similar interests as him! Need some help covering up that poorly done mistake? They offer various options for cover-ups which will hide practically any unwanted image from society’s eye. Get started today at The Tattoo Clinic in Baton Rouge!
Website Address (225) 343-1438
Capital City Tattoo
Score: B |
Capital City Tattoo is a place where you can find the ultimate expression of yourself. Capital City specializes in helping people make their tattoos come alive through an artist’s hands and imagination, filling them with vibrant images that they’ll be able to love for life! Each tattoo artist at this shop has unique talents; some prefer more traditional styles, while others enjoy creating something new on each client. To witness all of this talent under one roof, stop by Capital City Tattoo today!
Website Address (225) 278-6467
High Resolution Tattoo
Score: B+ |
High Resolution Tattoo is one of the best places for tattoos in Baton Rouge. They offer high-quality art with a variety of styles, including realistic and abstract representations that are perfect if you’re looking to do something different than what’s everywhere else! All of their artists take pride in their work-they want clients to be able to get tattooed by one of the best artists in town. Everyone is treated like family at High Resolution Tattoo. Stop on over today or give them a call!
Website Address (225) 218-4818
Sacred Art Tattoo Studio
Score: A |
Sacred Art Tattoo Studio welcomes you to one of Baton Rouge’s premier tattoo and piercing studios! They are home to some highly-skilled artists with a welcoming atmosphere that will calm your nerves with every step into their establishment. Whether it be cover-up tattoos or new additions for art collectors alike, come see them today so they can help transform your ideas from concept sketches on paper to completion. They will provide professional advice about what type of design would work best depending on where you need your piece placed!
Website Address (225) 223-6477
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